An Evening With Dramatic Licence

The next production by this talented local theatre company will be on 16th, 17th and 18th May at 8pm at the Teatro Cardenal Belluga, San Fulgencio – and this time they have a programme of three plays.
So if you like Alan Ayckbourn and Alan Bennett – you’ll love the farce that is Gosforth’s Fete and the thoughtful A Chip in The Sugar from Bennett’s Talking Heads series.The third play is Last Tango In Little Grimley by David Tristram and a hilarious take on how difficult it is to run an amateur theatre group. But sex sells – and if you want to know how, you’ll have to come along.

Former productions by Dramatic Licence include the recent Farndale Christmas Carol, the comedies While The Cats Away, The Odd Couple, Murdered to Death, Seasons' Greetings and many more. So far, the company has been able to donate more that 30,000 euros to local Alzheimers Societies in the six years since starting up with the unforgettable play Don’t Dress For Dinner in 2005.

If you have always wanted to join a group like ours, why not come along to the show and make yourself known to one of us afterwards?

Tickets are 8 euros and available to order on line at for collection and payment at the door; by phoning 616 089 943 or to purchase directly they will shortly be available from:-

Cards & More, La Marina
The Card Shop, Ciudad Quesada
The Post Box, Dona Pepa
The Card Place, Benimar
The Post Room, Benijofar

Los Dolses