Community Spirit

What was missing? well what was missing in Spain was community spirit, but now A Spanish Life has us all talking to each other, what a result!!

Its great to know whats going on before the Event, so we can actually go, instead of reading about it later in the local rag.

Los Dolses

Friends 4u Abroad

Local Social Network Of Friends In The Costa Blanca

Where friends get together and enjoy nights/days out with like minded people living here in the Costa Blanca.

Weekly Events

We get together every Thursday night at The Courtyard, Filton Centre. Los Balcones for an evening of entertainment, fun a laughter and in my case murder a few songs with DJ Jay and his karaoke.

Monthly Events

We get together at El Mundos, in Benimar for an afternoon being entertained by the fabulous Spanish Duo Bella Luna.

For more details check The Los Balcones site in the Events Diary.

or tel: Kas 622 03 35 82

Drinking water.
If you are fed up buying, carrying and storing bottled water, then check out the services section for information on the Pureflo drinking water system.

Posted 2 minutes ago by Ray

Los Dolses



You have been eligible to transfer your whole UK pension fund as a lump sum since April 2006. So, if you have a fund of 50k pounds this amount can be transferred to your Spanish bank account. This only applies to Personal or Occupational pensions. NOT THE STATE OLD AGE PENSION. To find out more go to and complete the free assessment form. Alternatively call David on 951219576 or 678035992.

Los Dolses
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